Prof. Haojin Zhu’s Google Scholar Profile2025
Referred Conference Papers:
- Ganxiang Yang, Chenyang Liu , Zhen Huang, Guoxing Chen, Hongfei Fu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Haojin Zhu, “A Formal Approach to Multi-Layered Privileges for Enclaves”, NDSS 2025, 2025. (CCF-A)
- Tian Dong, Jason (Minhui) Xue, Guoxing chen, William Holland, Yan Meng, Shaofeng Li, Haojin Zhu, “The Philosopher’s Stone: Trojaning Plugins of Large Language Models”, NDSS 2025, 2025. (CCF-A)
Referred Journal Papers:
- Wenjia Chen, Wenjuan Tang, Yan Meng, Yaoxue Zhang, “An HASM-Assisted Voice Disguise Scheme for Emotion Recognition of IoT-Enabled Voice Interface”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024. (CCF-A)
- Yan Meng, Yuxia Zhan, Jiachun Li, Suguo Du, Haojin Zhu, Xuemin Shen, “De-Anonymizing Avatars in Virtual Reality: Attacks and Countermeasures”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. (CCF-A)
- Jiachun Li, Yan Meng, Yuxia Zhan, Le Zhang, Haojin Zhu, “Dangers behind Charging VR Devices: Hidden Side Channel Attacks via Charging Cables”, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2024. (CCF-A)
- Le Yu, Shufan Zhang, Yan Meng, Suguo Du, Yuling Chen, Yanli Ren, Haojin Zhu, Privacy-Preserving Location-Based Advertising via Longitudinal Geo-Indistinguishability, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, 2024.
- Yan Meng, Jiachun Li, Yuan Tian, Haojin Zhu, and Jiming Chen, Privacy-preserving Liveness Detection for Securing Smart Voice Interfaces, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2024
Referred Conference Papers:
- Yuxia Zhan, Yan Meng, Lu Zhou, Yichang Xiong, Xiaokuan Zhang, Lichuan Ma, Guoxing Chen, Qingqi Pei, Haojin Zhu, “VPVet: Vetting Privacy Policies of Virtual Reality App”, ACM CCS 2024, 2024. (CCF-A)
- Tong Zhu, Chaofan Shou, Zhen Huang, Guoxing Chen, Xiaokuan Zhang, Yan Meng, Shuang Hao, Haojin Zhu, “Unveiling Collusion-Based Ad Attribution Laundering Fraud: Detection, Analysis, and Security Implications”, ACM CCS’2024, 2024. (CCF-A)
- Shaofeng Li, Xinyu Wang, Minhui Xue, Haojin Zhu, Zhi Zhang, Yansong Gao, Wen Wu, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “Yes, One-Bit-Flip Matters! Universal DNN Model Inference Depletion with Runtime Code Fault Injection”, USENIX Security ’24, 2024. (CCF-A)
- Mengyuan Li, Yuheng Yang, Guoxing Chen, Mengjia Yan and Yinqian Zhang, “SoK: Understanding Design Choices and Pitfalls of Trusted Execution Environments”, ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Singapore, Jul. 2024.
- Tong Liu, Zhen Huang, Jiaao Li, Jianyu Niu, Guoxing Chen and Yinqian Zhang, “SoK: Opportunities for Accelerating Multi-Party Computation via Trusted Hardware”, International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design, Orlando, FL, May. 2024.
Referred Journal Paper:
- Jiachun Li, Weijiong Zhang, Yan Meng, Shaofeng Li, Lichuan Ma, Zhen Liu, and Haojin Zhu, Secure and Efficient UAV Tracking in Space-air-ground Integrated Network, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 10682-10695, Aug. 2023.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Yan Meng, Yuxia Zhan, Jiachun Li, Suguo Du, Haojin Zhu, Sherman Shen, De-anonymization Attacks on Metaverse, IEEE INFOCOM’23, 2023.
- Jiachun Li, Yan Meng, Le Zhang, Guoxing Chen, Yuan Tian, Haojin Zhu, Sherman Shen, MagFingerprint: A Magnetic Based Device Fingerprinting in Wireless Charging, IEEE INFOCOM’23, 2023.
- Lu Zhou, Chengyongxiao Wei, Tong Zhu, Guoxing Chen , Xiaokuan Zhang, Suguo Du, Hui Cao, Haojin Zhu: POLICYCOMP: Counterpart Comparison of Privacy Policies Uncovers Overbroad Personal Data Collection Practices, USENIX Security, 2023.
- Tian Dong, Shaofeng Li, Guoxing Chen, Minhui Xue, Haojin Zhu, Zhen Liu. RAI$^2$: Responsible Identity Audit Governing the Artificial intelligence, NDSS, 2023.
- Ruoxi Sun, Minhui Xue, Gareth Tyson, Tian Dong, Shaofeng Li, Shuo Wang, Haojin Zhu, Seyit Camtepe, and Surya Nepal,“Mate! Are You Really Aware? An ExplainabilityGuided Testing Framework for Robustness of Malware Detectors”, ESEC/FSE’23, 2023. (CCF-A, SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper of ESEC/FSE)
- Yuxia Zhan and Yan Meng, Lu Zhou, Haojin Zhu, Vetting Privacy Policies in VR: A Data Minimization Principle Perspective, IEEE INFOCOM Poster, 2023. (IEEE INFOCOM Best Poster Award)
Referred Journal Papers:
- Guoxing Chen, Yinqian Zhang: Securing TEEs With Verifiable Execution Contracts, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing(TDSC), 2022.
- Shaofeng Li, Tian Dong, Benjamin Zi Hao Zhao, Minhui Xue, Suguo Du, and Haojin Zhu: Backdoors Against Natural Language Processing: A Review, IEEE S&P magazine, 2022.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Huibo Wang, Guoxing Chen, Yinqian Zhang, Zhiqiang Lin: Multi-Certificate Attacks against Proof-of-Elapsed-Time and Their Countermeasures, NDSS, 2022.
- Xin Yin, Zhen Liu, Guomin Yang, Guoxing Chen and Haojin Zhu: Secure Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet Supporting Stealth Address, ESORICS, 2022.
- Guoxing Chen, Yinqian Zhang: MAGE: Mutual Attestation for a Group of Enclaves without Trusted Third Parties, USENIX Security, 2022.
- Yan Meng, Jiachun Li, Matthew Pillari, Arjun Deopujari, Liam Brennan, Hafsah Shamsie, Haojin Zhu, and Yuan Tian: Your Microphone Array Retains Your Identity: A Robust Voice Liveness Detection System for Smart Speakers, USENIX Security, 2022.
- Zirui Peng, Shaofeng Li, Guoxing Chen, Cheng Zhang, Haojin Zhu, Minhui Xue: Fingerprinting Deep Neural Networks Globally via Universal Adversarial Perturbations, IEEE/CVF CVPR, 2022. (Oral)
- Le Yu, Shufan Zhang, Yan Meng, Lu Zhou, Haojin Zhu and Suguo Du: Thwarting Longitudinal Location Exposure Attacks in Advertising Ecosystem via Edge Computing, IEEE ICDCS, 2022.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Jing Xu, Kai Xing, Chi Zhang, Shuo Zhang, Zhonghu Xu, Chunlin Zhong, Haojin Zhu, Zheng Yang, Yunhao Liu: Collective Memory for Detecting Nonconcurrent Clones: A Localized Approach for Global Topology and Identity Tracing in IoT Networks. IEEE Internet of Things. 2021.
- Lichuan Ma, Qingqi Pei, Lu Zhou, Haojin Zhu, Licheng Wang, Yusheng Ji: Federated Data Cleaning: Collaborative and Privacy-Preserving Data Cleaning for Edge Intelligence. IEEE Internet of Things. 2021.
- Yiting Qu, Suguo Du, Shaofeng Li, Yan Meng, Le Zhang, Haojin Zhu: Automatic Permission Optimization Framework for Privacy Enhancement of Mobile Applications. IEEE Internet of Things. 2021.
- Jiachun Li, Yan Meng, lichuan Ma, Suoguo Du, Haojin Zhu, Qingqi Pei, Sherman Shen: A Federated Learning based Privacy-preserving Smart Healthcare System. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2021.
- Pengyu Wang, Jing Wang, Chao Li, Jianzong Wang, Haojin Zhu, Minyi Guo: Grus: Toward Unified-memory-efficient High-performance Graph Processing on GPU. ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim. 2021.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Wubing Wang, Guoxing Chen, Yueqiang Cheng, Yinqian Zhang, Zhiqiang Lin: SPECULARIZER: Detecting Speculative Execution Attacks via Performance Tracing. DIMVA. 2021.
- Mohit Kumar Jangid, Guoxing Chen, Yinqian Zhang, Zhiqiang Lin: Towards Formal Verification of State Continuity for Enclave Programs, USENIX Security, 2021.
- Tong Zhu, Yan Meng, Haotian Hu, Xiaokuan Zhang, Minhui Xue, Haojin Zhu: Dissecting Click Fraud Autonomy in the Wild. Accepted to ACM CCS 2021.
- Shaofeng Li, Hui Liu, Tian Dong, Benjamin Zi Hao Zhao, Minhui Xue, Haojin Zhu, and Jialiang Lu: Hidden Backdoors in Human-Centric Language Models. ACM CCS. 2021.
- Suibin Sun, Le Yu, Xiaokuan Zhang, Minhui Xue, Ren Zhou, Haojin Zhu, Shuang Hao, and Xiaodong Lin: Understanding and Detecting Mobile Ad Fraud Through the Lens of Invalid Traffic. ACM CCS. 2021.
- Youqun Li, Yichi Zhang, Haojin Zhu, Suguo Du: Toward Automatically Generating Privacy Policy for Smart Home Apps. INFOCOM Workshops. 2021.
- Binhan Xi, Shaofeng Li, Jiachun Li, Hui Liu, Hong Liu, Haojin Zhu: BatFL: Backdoor Detection on Federated Learning in e-Health. IWQoS. 2021.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Guoxing Chen, Sanchuan Chen, Yuan Xiao, Yinqian Zhang, Zhiqiang Lin, Ten H. Lai: SgxPectre: Stealing Intel Secrets from SGX Enclaves via Speculative Execution, IEEE Secur. Priv. 18(3): 28-37, 2020.
- Yan Meng, Haojin Zhu, Jinlei Li, Jin Li, Yao Liu, Liveness Detection for Voice User Interface via Wireless Signals in IoT Environment, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), accepted in Feb. 2020.
- Shaofeng Li, Minhui Xuey, Benjamin Zi Hao Zhao, Haojin Zhu, and Xinpeng Zhang: Invisible Backdoor Attacks on Deep Neural Networks via Steganography and Regularization. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), accepted in Aug. 2020.
- Yaping Liu, Shuo Zhang, Haojin Zhu, Peng-Jun Wan, Lixin Gao, Yaoxue Zhang, Zhihong Tian: A novel routing verification approach based on blockchain for inter-domain routing in smart metropolitan area networks. J. Parallel Distributed Comput. 2020.
- Huaxin Li, Qingrong Chen, Haojin Zhu, Di Ma, Hong Wen, Xuemin Sherman Shen: Privacy Leakage via De-Anonymization and Aggregation in Heterogeneous Social Networks. IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput. 2020.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Lei Zhang, Yan Meng, Jiahao Yu, Chong Xiang, Brandon Falk, Haojin Zhu: Voiceprint Mimicry Attack Towards Speaker Verification System in Smart Home. IEEE INFOCOM, 2020 (accepting rate=268/1354=19.8%).
- Zhushou Tang, Ke Tang, Minhui Xue, Yuan Tian, Sen Chen, Muhammad Ikram, Tielei Wang, Haojin Zhu: iOS, Your OS, Everybody’s OS: Vetting and Analyzing Network Services of iOS Applications. USENIX Security, 2020 (accepting rate=16.2%).
- Jinlei Li, Yan Meng, Lu Zhou, Haojin Zhu: Securing App Behaviors in Smart Home: A Human-App Interaction Perspective. ICPADS, 2020.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Sijia Yang, Jiang Bian, Licheng Wang, Haojin Zhu, Yanjie Fu, Haoyi Xiong: EdgeSense: Edge-Mediated Spatial- Temporal Crowdsensing. IEEE Access 7: 1495122-95131, 2019
- Zhushou Tang, Minhui Xue, Guozhu Meng, Chengguo Ying, Yugeng Liu, Jianan He, Haojin Zhu, Yang Liu: Securing android applications via edge assistant third-party library detection. Computers & Security 80: 257-272, 2019
- Yan Meng, Jinlei Li, Haojin Zhu, Xiaohui Liang, Yao Liu, and Na Ruan: Revealing Your Mobile Password via WiFi Signals: Attacks and Countermeasures. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing , 2019.
- Licheng Wang , Yan Meng, Haojin Zhu, Minxing Tang, andKaoru Ota: Edge-Assisted Stream Scheduling Scheme for the Green-Communication-Based IoT. IEEE Internet Things J. 6(4): 7282-7292, 2019
- Fei Guo, Zichang Wang, Suguo Du, Huaxin Li, Haojin Zhu, Qingqi Pei, Zhenfu Cao, Jianhong Zhao, Detecting Vehicle Anomaly in the Edge via Sensor Consistency And Frequency Characteristic, accepted by IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, 2019.
- Mohammad Hadian, Thamer AITuwaiyan, Xiaohui Liang, Haojin Zhu, Privacy-preserving Task Scheduling for Time-sharing Services of Autonomous Vehicles, accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019.
- Erdong Deng, Huajun Zhang, Peilin Wu, Fei Guo, Zhen Liu, Haojin Zhu, Zhenfu Cao, Pri-RTB: Privacy-preserving real-time bidding for securing mobile advertisement in ubiquitous computing, Inf. Sci. 504: 354-371, 2019.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Guoxing Chen, Sanchuan Chen, Yuan Xiao, Yinqian Zhang, Zhiqiang Lin, Ten H. Lai: SgxPectre: Stealing Intel Secrets from SGX Enclaves via Speculative Execution. EuroS&P, 2019
- Guoxing Chen, Yinqian Zhang, Ten-Hwang Lai: OPERA: Open Remote Attestation for Intel’s Secure Enclaves. ACM CCS, 2019
- Guoxing Chen, Mengyuan Li, Fengwei Zhang, Yinqian Zhang: Defeating Speculative-Execution Attacks on SGX with HyperRace. IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing(DSC), 2019
- Qingrong Chen, Chong Xiang, Minhui Xue, Bo Li, Nikita Borisov, Dali Kaafar, Haojin Zhu, “Differentially Private Data Sharing: Sharing Models versus Sharing Data”, ACM CCS Workshop on Privacy Preserving Machine Learning, 2019.
- Matthew Joslin, Neng Li, Shuang Hao, Minhui Xue, Haojin Zhu, “Measuring and Analyzing Search Engine Poisoning of Linguistic Collisions”, 40th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) , 2019.
- Qiwei Jia, Lu Zhou, Huaxin Li, Ruoxu Yang, Suguo Du and Haojin Zhu, “Who leaks my privacy: Towards Automatic and Association Detection with GDPR Compliance”, WASA’2019, 2019.
- Cheng Chang, Huaxin Li, Yichi Zhang, Suguo Du, Hui Cao and Haojin Zhu, “Automated and Personalized Privacy Policy Extraction under GDPR Consideration”, WASA’2019, 2019.
- Chong Xiang, Xinyu Wang, Qingrong Chen, Minhui Xue, Zhaoyu Gao, Haojin Zhu, Cailian Chen and Qiuhua Fan, “No-Jump-into-Latency in China’s Internet! Toward Last-Mile Hop Count Based IP Geo-localization”, IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2019, 2019. (accepting rate=42/153=27.4%)
- Jie Li, Lu Zhou, Huaxin Li, Lu Yan, Haojin Zhu, “Dynamic Traffic Feature Camouflaging via Generative Adversarial Networks”, IEEE CNS 2019, 2019. (accepting rate=32/115=27.8%)
- Yaping Liu, Shuo Zhang, Haojin Zhu, Peng-Jun Wan, Lixin Gao, Yaoxue Zhang, “An Enhanced Verifiable Inter-domain Routing Protocol Based on Blockchain”, SecureComm (1) 2019: 63-82, 2019. (accepting rate=32/115=27.8%)
- Peilin Wu, Jinlei Li, Yan Meng, Haojin Zhu, “An Ensemble Approach for Suspicious Traffic Detection from High Recall Network Alerts”, IEEE BigData, 2019.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Lu Zhou, Le Yu, Suguo Du, Haojin Zhu, and Cailian Chen. “Achieving Differentially Private Location Privacy in Edge-assistant Connected Vehicles.” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2018).
- Yan Meng, Wei Zhang, Haojin Zhu and Sherman (Xuemin) Shen, “Securing Consumer IoT in Smart Home: Architecture, Challenges and Countermeasures,” in IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 53-59, 2018
- Neng Li, Suguo Du, Haizhong Zheng, Minhui Xue and Haojin Zhu, “Fake reviews tell no tales? dissecting click farming in content-generated social networks,” in China Communications, vol.15, no.4, pp. 98-109, 2018.
- Suguo Du, Xiaolong Li, Jinli Zhong, Lu Zhou, Minhui Xue, Haojin Zhu and Limin Sun, “Modeling Privacy Leakage Risks in Large-Scale Social Networks,” in IEEE Access, vol.6, pp.17653-17665, 2018.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Haizhong Zheng, Minhui Xue, Hao Lu, Shuang Hao, Haojin Zhu, Xiaohui Liang, Keith Ross, “Smoke Screener or Straight Shooter: Detecting Elite Sybil Attacks in User-Review Social Networks”, NDSS 2018
- Guoxing Chen, Ten H. Lai, Michael Reiter, Yinqian Zhang, Differentially Private Access Patterns for Searchable Symmetric Encryption, INFOCOM ,2018
- Guoxing Chen*, Wenhao Wang* (*co-first authors), Tianyu Chen, Sanchuan Chen, Yinqian Zhang, XiaoFeng Wang, Ten-Hwang Lai, Dongdai Lin, Racing in Hyperspace: Closing Hyper-Threading Side Channels on SGX with Contrived Data Races, IEEE s&p ,2018
- Chong Xiang, Qingrong Chen, Minhui Xue, and Haojin Zhu, “AppClassifier: Automated App Inference on Encrypted Traffic via Meta Data Analysis,” IEEE Globecom 2018 ,2018
- Wei Zhang, Yan Meng, Yugeng Liu, Xiaokuan Zhang, Yinqian Zhang and Haojin Zhu, “HoMonit: Monitoring Smart Home Apps from Encrypted Traffic”, ACM CCS 2018. (accepting rate:134/809=16.6%)
- Song Fang, Ian Markwood, Yao Liu, Shangqing Zhao, Zhuo Lu and Haojin Zhu, “No Training Hurdles: Fast Training-Agnostic Attacks to Infer Your Typing”, ACM CCS 2018. (accepting rate:134/809=16.6%)
- Yan Meng, Zichang Wang, Wei Zhang, Peilin Wu, Haojin Zhu, Xiaohui Liang and Yao Liu, “WiVo: Enhancing the Security of Voice Control System via Wireless Signal in IoT Environment,”, ACM MobiHoc 2018. (accepting rate:30/168=16.9%)
- Zichang Wang, Feiguo, Yan Meng, Huaxin Li, Haojin Zhu and Zhenfu Cao, “Detecting Vehicle Anomaly by Sensor Consistency: An Edge Computing Based Mechanism,”, IEEE Globecom 2018.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Huaxin Li, Haojin Zhu and Di Ma, “Demographic Information Inference through Metadata Analysis of Wi-Fi Traffic,” to appear in IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, 2017
- Huaxin Li, Qingrong Chen, Haojin Zhu and Di Ma, Hong Wen, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, “Privacy Leakage via De-anonymization and Aggregation in Heterogeneous Social Networks,” to appear in IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2017.
- Lichuan Ma, Yong Xiang, Qingqi Pei, Yang Xiang, and Haojin Zhu, Robust Reputation-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing via Imperfect Common Control Channel, accept for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2017.
- Zi Li, Qingqi Pei, Ian Markwood, Yao Liu, and Haojin Zhu, “Secret key establishment via RSS trajectory matching between wearable devices,” to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2017.
- Kai Fan, Panfei Song, Zhao Du, Haojin Zhu, Hui Li, Yintang Yang, Xinghua Li and Chao Yang, “NFC Secure Payment and Verification Scheme with CS E-Ticket,” to appear in Security and Communication Networks, 2017.
- Na Ruan, Mingli Wu, Shiheng Ma, Haojin Zhu, Weijia Jia, “Detect and Prevent SIP Flooding Attacks in VoLTE by Utilizing a Two-tier PFilter Design,” to appear in IEICE Transaction on Information and Systems, 2017. to Appear.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Wenhao Wang, Guoxing Chen, Xiaorui Pan, Yinqian Zhang, XiaoFeng Wang, Vincent Bindschaedler, Haixu Tang, Carl A. Gunter, Leaky Cauldron on the Dark Land: Understanding Memory Side-Channel Hazards in SGX, ACM CCS 2017
- Gang Li, Fan Yang, Guoxing Chen, Qiang Zhai, Xinfeng Li, Jin Teng, Junda Zhu, Dong Xuan, Biao Chen and Wei Zhao, EV-Matching: Bridging Large Visual Data and Electronic Data for Efficient Surveillance, ICDCS 2017
- Haizhong Zheng, Neng Li, Minhui Xuey, Suguo Du and Haojin Zhu,“Fake Reviews Tell No Tales? Dissecting Click Farming in Content-Generated Social Networks”, IEEE ICCC 2017
- Wenyan Yao, Na Ruan, Feifan Yu, Weijia Jia, Haojin Zhu, “Privacy-Preserving Fraud Detection via Cooperative Mobile Carriers with Improved Accuracy,” IEEE SECON’17,2017. (accepting rate:45/170=26.5%)
- Mingli Wu, Na Ruan, Shiheng Ma, Haojin Zhu, Weijia Jia, Qingshui Xue, Songyang Wu,“Detect SIP Flooding Attacks in VoLTE by Utilizing and Compressing Counting Bloom Filter,” WASA 2017, 124-135.
- Jinli Zhong, Suguo Du, Lu Zhou, Haojin Zhu, Fan Cheng, Cailian Chen and Qingshui Xue, Security Modeling and Analysis on Intra Vehicular Network, VTC 2017 Huaxin Li, Qingrong Chen, Haojin Zhu, Di Ma, “Hybrid de-anonymization across realworld heterogeneous social networks,” ACM TUR-C 2017, 33:1-33:7.
- Jiafa Liu, Di Ma, Haojin Zhu and Andre Weimerskirch, A Functional Co-Design towards Safe and Secure Vehicle Platooning, 3rd ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (CPSS 2017), held in conjunction with ACM AsiaCCS’17, Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 2, 2017. (accepting rate: 10/35=29%)
- Lu Zhou, Qingrong Chen, Zutian Luo, Haojin Zhu and Cailian Chen, “Speed based location tracking Attack in Usage-based Automotive Insurance,” in IEEE ICDCS’17, 2017. (short paper)
Referred Journal Papers:
- Jiafa Liu, Di Ma, Anre, Haojin Zhu, Secure and Safe Automated Vehicle Platooning, IEEE Reliability Magazine, 2016.
- Haojin Zhu, Chenliaohui Fang, Yao Liu, Cailian Chen, Mengyuan Li, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, You Can Jam But You Can’t Hide: Defending Against Jamming Attacks for Geo-location Database Driven Spectrum Sharing, to appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, SI on Spectrum Sharing and Aggregation for Future Wireless Networks, 2016
- Huaxin Li, Haojin Zhu, Suguo Du, Xiaohui Liang, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Privacy Leakage of Location Sharing in Mobile Social Networks: Attacks and Defense, IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2016
- Mengyuan Li, Na Ruan, Qiyang Qian, Haojin Zhu, Xiaohui Liang, Le Yu, SPFM: Scalable and Privacy-preserving Friend Matching in Mobile Cloud, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2016.
- Song Fang, Yao Liu, Wenbo Shen, Haojin Zhu, Tao Wang, Virtual Multipath Attack and Defense for Location Distinction in Wireless Networks, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, 2016.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Fan Yang, Qiang Zhai, Guoxing Chen, Adam C. Champion, Junda Zhu, Dong Xuan, Flash-Loc: Flashing Mobile Phones for Accurate Indoor Localization, INFOCOM, 2016.
- Lingling Fan, Minhui Xue, Sen Chen, Lihua Xu, Haojin Zhu, Accuracy vs. Time Cost: Detecting Android Malware through Pareto Ensemble Pruning, ACM CCS poster, 2016.
- Na Ruan, Qi Hu, Lei Gao, Haojin Zhu, Qingshui Xue,Weijia Jia, A Traffic Based Lightweight Attack Detection Scheme for VoLTE, IEEE Globecom’16, 2016.
- Mengyuan Li, Yan Meng, Junyi Liu, Haojin Zhu, Xiaohui Liang, Yao Liu, Na Ruan, When CSI Meets Public WiFi: Inferring Your Mobile Phone Password via WiFi Signals, ACM CCS, 2016. PPT Video
- Jiafa Liu, Junyi Li, Huaxin Li, Haojin Zhu, Na Ruan, Di Ma, Who Moved My Cheese: Towards Automatic and Fine-grained Classification and Modeling Ad Network, IEEE Globecom, 2016.
- Na Ruan, Lei Gao, Haojin Zhu, Weijia Jia, Xiang Li, Qi Hu, Toward Optimal DoS-resistant Authentication in Crowdsensing Networks via Evolutionary Game, IEEE ICDCS, 2016.
- Lei Gao, Na Ruan, Haojin Zhu, Efficient and Secure Message Authentication in Cooperative Driving: A Game-Theoretic Approach, IEEE ICC, 2016.
- Sen Chen, Minhui Xue, Zhushou Tang, Lihua Xu, Haojin Zhu, StormDroid: A Streaminglized Machine Learning-based System for Detecting Android Malware, ACM ASIACCS, 2016.
- Huaxin Li, Zheyu Xu, Haojin Zhu, Di Ma, Shuai Li and Kai Xing, Demographics Inference Through Wi-Fi Network Traffic Analysis, IEEE INFOCOM, 2016
Referred Journal Papers:
- Yi Li, Lu Zhou, Haojin Zhu and Limin Sun,Privacy-preserving Location Proof for Securing Large-scale Database-driven Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2015.
- Zhou Su, Qichao Xu, Haojin Zhu, Ying Wang, A novel design for content delivery over software defined mobile social networks. IEEE Network 29(4): 62-67 (2015)
Referred Conference Papers:
- Jihun Hamm, Adam C. Champion, Guoxing Chen, Mikhail Belkin, Dong Xuan ,Crowd-ML: A Privacy-Preserving Learning Framework for a Crowd of Smart Devices, ICDCS, 2015.
- Paul Y. Cao, Gang Li, Guoxing Chen, Biao Chen, Mobile Data Collection Frameworks: A Survey, MoBiData Workshop, 2015.
- Shuying Lai, Huaxin Li, Haojin Zhu, Na Ruan ,De-anonymizing Social Networks: Using User Interest as a side-channel, IEEE/CIC ICCC, 2015.
- Ben Bett, Xiaokuan Zhang, Mengyuan Li, Qiyang Qian, Na Ruan, Haojin Zhu, ,SmartSec: Secret Sharing-based Location-aware Privacy Enhancement in Smart Devices, IEEE/CIC ICCC, 2015.
- Yi Li, Lu Zhou, Haojin Zhu, Limin Sun, Secure and Privacy-Preserving Location Proof in Database-Driven Cognitive Radio Networks. WASA 2015: 345-355, 2015.
- Long Zhang Chenliaohui Fang, Yi Li, Haojin Zhu and Mianxiong Dong, Optimal Strategies for Defending Location Inference Attack in Database-driven CRNs, IEEE ICC, 2015.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Haojin Zhu, Suguo Du, Zhaoyu Gao, Mianxiong Dong,and Zhenfu Cao, A Probabilistic Misbehavior Detection Scheme towards Efficient Trust stablishment in Delay-tolerant Networks, IEEE Transactions On Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 22-32, 2014.
- Mianxiong Dong, He Li, Kaoru Ota, Laurence T. Yang, Haojin Zhu, Multicloud-Based Evacuation Services for Emergency Management, IEEE Cloud Computing, vol.1, no.4, pp. 50-59, 2014.
- Mianxiong Dong, Kaoru Ota, He Li, Suguo Du, Haojin Zhu, Song Guo, RENDEZVOUS: towards fast event detecting in wireless sensor and actor networks, Computing, vol.96, no.10, pp.995-1010, 2014.
- Lifei Wei, Haojin Zhu, Zhenfu Cao, Xiaolei Dong, Weiwei Jia, Yunlu Chen, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Security and privacy for storage and computation in cloud computing, Inf. Sci, vol.258, pp.371-386, 2014.
- Zongyang Zhang, Zhenfu Cao, Haojin Zhu, Constant-round adaptive zero-knowledge proofs for NP, Inf. Sci, vol.261, pp. 219-236, 2014.
- Suguo Du, Xiaolong Li, Junbo Du and Haojin Zhu, An Attack and Defence Game for Security and Privacy in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Special Issue on Machine to Machine Communications, Vol. 7, no. 3, pp 215-228, 2014.
- Weiwei Jia, Haojin Zhu, Zhenfu Cao, Xiaolei Dong, Chengxin Xiao, Human-Factor-Aware Privacy-Preserving Aggregation in Smart Grid, IEEE Systems Journal, vol.8, no.2, pp.598-607, 2014.
- Mianxiong Dong, Kaoru Ota, Man Lin, Zunyi Tang, Suguo Du, Haojin Zhu, UAV-assisted data gathering in wireless sensor networks, The Journal of Supercomputing, vol.70, no.3, pp. 1142-1155, 2014.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Wenjie Lin, Guoxing Chen, Ten H. Lai, David Lee: Detecting the Vulnerability of Multi-Party Authorization Protocols to Name Matching Attacks. SAM, 2014: 1526-1528.
- Qiuyu Xiao, Jiayi Chen, Le Yu, Huaxin Li, Haojin Zhu, Muyuan Li, Kui Ren: POSTER: LocMask: A Location Privacy Protection Framework in Android System. ACM CCS Poster, 2014: 1526-1528.
- Song Fang, Yao Liu, Wenbo Shen and Haojin Zhu, Where Are You From? Confusing Location Distinction Using Virtual Multipath Camouflage, ACM MobiCom’14, Main Conference, 2014.
- Hong Li, Limin Sun, Haojin Zhu, Xiang Lu and Xiuzhen Cheng, Achieving Privacy Preservation in WiFi Fingerprint-based Localization, IEEE NFOCOM’14, 2014.
- Pengfei Hu, Kai Xing, Xiuzhen Cheng, Hao Wei, Haojin Zhu, Information Leaks Out: Attacks and Countermeasures on Compressive Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE INFOCOM’14, 2014.
- Xiaokuan Zhang, Haizhong Zheng, Xiaolong Li, Suguo Du, Haojin Zhu, You are Where You Have Been: Sybil Detection via Geo-location Analysis in OSNs, IEEE Globecom’14, 2014.
- Yabin Ping, Zhenfu Cao, Haojin Zhu, Sybil-aware Least Cost Rumor Blocking in Social Networks, IEEE Globecom’14, 2014.
- Muyuan Li, Haojin Zhu, Zhaoyu Gao, Si Chen, Kui Ren, Le Yu, Shangqian Hu, All Your Location are Belong to Us: Breaking Mobile Social Networks for Automated User Location Tracking, ACM MobiHoc’14, Main Conference, 2014(Acceptance rate: 18.9%)
- Mianxiong Dong, He Li, Kaoru Ota, Haojin Zhu, HVSTO: Efficient privacy preserving hybrid storage in cloud data center. INFOCOM Workshops 2014: 529-534, 2014.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Haojin Zhu, Suguo Du, Muyuan Li, and Zhaoyu Gao, Fairness-aware and Privacy-Preserving Friend Matching Protocol in Mobile Social Networks, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, vo.l, no.1, pp. 192-200, 2013.
- LifeiWei, Haojin Zhu, Zhenfu Cao, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, SUCCESS: A Secure Usercentric and Social-aware Reputation Based Incentive Scheme for DTNs, Ad Hoc \& Sensor Wireless Networks, vol.19, no.(1-2), pp.95-118, 2013.
- Suguo Du, Haojin Zhu, Xiaolong Li, Kaoru Ota, Mianxiong Dong, MixZone in Motion: Achieving Dynamically Cooperative Location Privacy Protection in Delay-tolerant Networks, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, to appear, 2013.
- Weiwei Jia, Haojin Zhu, Zhenfu Cao, Xiaolei Dong, Chengxin Xiao, Human-factor-aware Privacy Preserving Aggregation in Smart Grid, IEEE System Journal, to appear, 2013.
- Lifei Wei, Haojin Zhu, Zhenfu Cao, Xiaolei Dong, Weiwei Jia, Yunlu Chen, and Athanasios V. Vasilakos. Security and Privacy for Storage and Computation in Cloud Computing. Information Sciences. 2013.
- Mianxiong Dong, Kaoru Ota, Suguo Du, Haojin Zhu, Song Guo, Towards Efficient Event Detecting in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks, Computing, 2013.
- Suguo Du, Peng Tian, Kaoru Ota, and Haojin Zhu, A Secure and Efficient Data Aggregation Framework in Vehicular Sensing Networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2013.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Sheng Liu, Haojin Zhu, Rong Du, Cailian Chen, Xinping Guan, Location Privacy Preserving Dynamic Spectrum Auction in Cognitive Radio Network, IEEE ICDCS’13, Main Conference, 2013.
- Zhaoyu Gao, Haojin Zhu, Yao Liu, Muyuan Li and Zhenfu Cao, Location Privacy in Database-driven Cognitive Radio Networks: Attacks and Countermeasures, IEEE INFOCOM’13, Main Conference, 2013.
- Shuai Li, Haojin Zhu, Zhaoyu Gao, Xinping Guan and Kai Xing, YouSense: Mitigating Entropy Selfishness in Distributed Collaborative Spectrum Sensing, IEEE INFOCOM’13, Main Conference, 2013.
- Kai Xing, Shuo Zhang, Lei Shi, Haojin Zhu, Yuepeng Wang, A Localized Backbone Renovating Algorithm for Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, IEEE INFOCOM’13, Main Conference, 2013.
- Kai Xing, Zhiguo Wan, Pengfei Hu, Haojin Zhu, Yuepeng Wang, Xi Chen, Yang Wang, Liusheng Huang, Mutual Privacy-Preserving Regression Modeling in Participatory Sensing, IEEE INFOCOM’13, Main Conference, 2013.
- Siyuan Ma, Zhushou Tang, Qiuyu Xiao, Jiafa Liu, Triet Duong Tran, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu, Detecting GPS Information Leakage in Android Applications, IEEE GLOBECOM’ 13, 2013.
- Emmanuel A.Massawe, Suguo Du, Haojin Zhu, A Scalable and Privacy-Preserving Named Data Networking Architecture based on Bloom Filters, IEEE ICDCSW 2013, 2013.
- Ziyun Zhu, Sheng Liu, Suguo Du, Xiaodong Lin and Haojin Zhu, Relative Interpersonal-Influence-Aware Routing in Buffer Constrained Delay-Tolerant Networks, IEEE GLOBEOCM’13, 2013.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Xu Li, Xiaohui Liang, Rongxing Lu, Xuemin Shen, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu, Securing Smart Grid: Cyber Attacks, Countermeasures, and Challenges, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.50, no.8, pp.38-45, 2012.
- Zhaoyu Gao, Haojin Zhu, Shuai Li, Suguo Du and Xu Li, Security and Privacy of Collaborative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Wireless Communication, 2012.
- Suguo Du, Xiaolong Li, Junbo Du and Haojin Zhu, An Attack and Defence Game for Security and Privacy in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Special Issue on Machine to Machine Communications, to appear.
- Rongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu, Xiaohui Liang and Xuemin Shen, BECAN: A Bandwidth-Efficient Cooperative Authentication Scheme for Filtering Injected False Data in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems(TPDS), Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 32-43, 2012.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Guoxing Chen, Zhengzheng Xiang, Changqing Xu, Meixia Tao, On Degrees of Freedom of Cognitive Networks with User Cooperation,WCL, 2012.
- Shuai Li, Haojin Zhu, Zhaoyu Gao, Xinping Guan, Kai Xing and Sherman Shen, Location Privacy Preservation in Collaborative Spectrum Sensing,IEEE INFOCOM’12, 2012.
- Zhaoyu Gao, Haojin Zhu, Yao Liu, Muyuan Li and Zhenfu Cao, Location Privacy Leaking from Spectrum Utilization Information in Database-driven Cognitive Radio Network, ACM CCS’12, Poster, 2012.
- Muyuan Li, Zhaoyu Gao, Suguo Du, Haojin Zhu, Mianxiong Dong and Kaoru Ota, PriMatch: Fairness-aware Secure Friend Discovery Protocol in Mobile Social Network, IEEE GLOBECOM’12, 2012.
- Yiyong Sun, Zhaoyu Gao, Suguo Du, Shuai Li, Haojin Zhu, and Xiaodong Lin, Towards Addressing Group Selfishness of Cluster-Based Collaborative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM’12, 2012.
- Sheng Liu, Haojin Zhu, Shuai Li, Xu Li, Cailian Chen, and Xinping Guan, An Adaptive Deviation-tolerant Secure Scheme for Distributed Cooperative Spectrum Sensing, IEEE GLOBECOM’12, 2012.
- Shuai Li, Haojin Zhu, Bo Yang, Cailian Chen, Xinping Guan, Xiaodong Lin, Towards A Game Theoretical Modeling of Rational Collaborative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE ICC’12, 2012.
- Zhaoyu Gao, Haojin Zhu, Suguo Du, Chengxin Xiao and Rongxing Lu, PMDS: A Probabilistic Misbehavior Detection Scheme in DTN, IEEE ICC’12, 2012.
- Chengxin Xiao, Weiwei Jia, Haojin Zhu, Suguo Du, Zhenfu Cao, Leveraging Cloud Computing for Outsourced Privacy Preserving Aggregation in Multi-Domain Networks, ACM WASA’12, Invited paper.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Yanfei Fan, Yixin Jiang, Haojin Zhu, Jiming Chen and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Network Coding Based Privacy Preservation against Traffic Analysis in Multi-hop Wireless Networks, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication (TWC), Vol.10, No.3, pp. 834-843, 2011.
- Xiaolei Dong, Lifei Wei, Haojin Zhu, Zhenfu Cao, and Licheng Wang, EP2DF: An Efficient Privacy Preserving Data Forwarding Scheme for Service-oriented Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks , IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology (TVT), Vol.60, No.2, 2011.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Pengcheng Wang, Zhaoyu Gao, Xinhui Xu, Yujiao Zhou, Haojin Zhu and Kenny Q. Zhu, Automatic inference of movement traces from contact histories, ACM SIGCOMM 2011, Posters, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2011.
- Weiwei Jia, Haojin Zhu, Zhenfu Cao, Lifei Wei and Xiaodong Lin , SDSM: A Secure Data Service Mechanism in Mobile Cloud Computing, The First International Workshop on Security in Computers, Networking and Communications (SCNC’11), joint with Infocom’11, 2011.
- Zhushou Tang, Haojin Zhu, Zhenfu Cao, and Shuai Zhao, L-WMxD: Lexical based Webmail XSS Discoverer, The First International Workshop on Security in Computers, Networking and Communications (SCNC’11), joint with Infocom’11, 2011. Dandan Ren, Suguo Du and Haojin Zhu, A Novel Attack Tree Based Risk Assessment Approach for Location Privacy Preservation in the VANETs,International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC’11), Kyoto, Japan, 2011.
- Shuai Li, Haojin Zhu, Bo Yang, Cailian Chen and Xinping Guan, Believe Yourself: A User-centric Misbehavior Detection Scheme for Secure Collaborative Spectrum Sensing, International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC’11), Kyoto, Japan, 2011.
- Huang Lin, Zhenfu Cao, Yuguang Fang, Muxin Zhou, Haojin Zhu, How to design space efficient revocable IBE from non-monotonic ABE, ASIACCS, 2011.
- Lifei Wei, Haojin Zhu, Zhenfu Cao, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, MobiID: A User-Centric and Social-Aware Reputation Based Incentive Scheme for Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networks, ADHOC-NOW’11, 2011.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Rongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Pi: A Practical Incentive Protocol for Delay Tolerant Networks, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication (TWC), vol.9, No.4, April, 2010.
- Rongxin Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, An Intelligent Secure and Privacy-Preserving Parking Scheme Using Vehicular Communications, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology (TVT), vol.59, no.6, 2010.
- Yanfei Fan, Yixin Jiang, Haojin Zhu and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, PIE: Cooperative Peer-to-Peer Information Exchange in Network Coding Enabled Wireless Networks, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communication (TWC), vol.9, No.3, 2010.
- Y. Jiang, Haojin Zhu, Minghui Shi, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen and Chuang Lin, An Efficient Dynamic-Identity based Signature Scheme for Secure Network, Computer Networks (COMNET), vol.54, no.1, 2010.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Haojin Zhu, X. Lin, R. Lu, X. Shen, D. Xing and Z. Cao, An Opportunistic Batch Bundle Authentication Scheme for Energy Constrained DTNs, INFOCOM’10), IEEE, 2010.
- Lifei Wei, Haojin Zhu, Zhenfu Cao, Weiwei Jia and A. Vasilakos, SecCloud: Bridging Secure Storage and Computation in Cloud, The First Workshop On Security And Privacy In Cloud Computing (SPCC), joint with ICDCS 2010, Genoa, Italy. June 21-25, 2010.
- R. Lu, X. Lin, Haojin Zhu and X. Shen, TESP2: Timed Efficient Source Privacy Preservation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC’10), Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27, 2010.
- Huang Lin, Zhenfu Cao, Xiaohui Liang, Muxin Zhou, Haojin Zhu, Dongsheng Xing, How to Construct Interval Encryption from Binary Tree Encryption, in Proc. of ACNS 2010, 19-34.
- Q. Han, S. Du, D. Ren and Haojin Zhu, SAS: A Secure Data Aggregation Scheme in Vehicular Sensing Networks, International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC’10), Cape Town, South Africa, May 23-27, 2010.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Haojin Zhu, Xiaodong Lin, Rongxing Lu, Yanfei Fan, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, SMART: A Secure Multi-Layer Credit based Incentive Scheme for Delay-Tolerant Networks, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol.58, no. 8, pp. 4628-4639, 2009.
- Haojin Zhu, Rongxin Lu, Xiaodong Lin and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Security in Service-Oriented Vehicular Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no.4, pp. 16-22, August, 2009.
- Haojin Zhu, Minhui Shi, Pin-Han Ho, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, PPAB: A Privacy Preserving Roaming and Billing Architecture for Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology , vol.58, no.5, pp. 2529-2543, June, 2009.
- Rongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu, Pin-Han Ho, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, A Novel Anonymous Mutual Authentication Protocol with Provable Link-Layer Location Privacy , IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology (TVT), vol. 58, no. 3, March. 2009.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Yanfei Fan, Yixin Jiang, Haojin Zhu and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Scheme against Traffic Analysis Attacks in Network Coding, INFOCOM 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 19-25, 2009. (Acceptance Ratio=282/1435 < 20%)
- Rongxin Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, SPARK: A New VANET-based Smart Parking Scheme for Large Parking Lots , INFOCOM 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 19-25, 2009. (Acceptance Ratio=282/1435 < 20%)
- Y. Fan, Y. Jiang, Haojin Zhu and X. Shen, Cooperative Peer-to-Peer Information Exchange via Wireless Network Coding, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE Globecom’09),HAWAII, USA, Nov. 30 – Dec. 4, 2009.
- Rongxin Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu and Xuemin Shen, Accelerating Authenticated Emergence Message Propagation to Mitigate Chain-Reaction Accidents in Highway Traffic, in Proc. of International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom’09), August 26-28, 2009, Xi’an, China.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Haojin Zhu, Xiaodong Lin, Rongxing Lu, Pin-Han Ho, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, SLAB: Secure Localized Authentication and Billing Scheme for Wireless Mesh Networks , IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 10, Oct. 2008.
- X. Lin, R. Lu, C. Zhang, H. Zhu, P.H. Ho, and X. Shen, Security in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.46, no.4, pp.88-95, 2008.
- X. Lin, X. Ling, H. Zhu, P.H. Ho, and X. Shen, A Novel Localized Authentication Scheme in IEEE 802.11 based Wireless Mesh Networks, Int. J. of Security and Networks (IJSN), vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 122-132, 2008.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Rongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu, Pin-Han Ho and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, ECPP: Efficient Conditional Privacy Preservation Protocol for Secure Vehicular Communications, INFOCOM 2008, Phoenix, AZ, USA, April 14-18, 2008. (Acceptance Ratio=236/1152 = 20.5) .
- Haojin Zhu, Xiaodong Lin, Rongxing Lu and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, A Secure Incentive Scheme for Delay Tolerant Networks, International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom’08), Hangzhou, China, Aug. 25-27, 2008. (Best Paper Award for Wireless Communication Symposium)
- Haojin Zhu, Xiaodong Lin, Rongxing Lu and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen and Pin-Han Ho, BBA: An Efficient Batch Bundle Authentication Scheme for Delay Tolerant Networks ,IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE Globecom’08), New Orleans, LA, USA, Nov. 30 – Dec. 4, 2008.
- Haojin Zhu, Xiaodong Lin, Rongxing Lu, Pin-Han Ho and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, AEMA: An Aggregated Emergency Message Authentication Scheme for Enhancing the Security of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks , International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC’08), Beijing, China, May 19-23, 2008.
- Xiaodong Lin, Rongxing Lu, Haojin Zhu, Pin-Han Ho and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Provably Secure Self-certified Partially Blind Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairings , International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC’08), Beijing, China, May 19-23, 2008.
- Rongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu, Pin-Han Ho and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, AICN: An Efficient Algorithm to Identify Compromised Nodes in Wireless Sensor Network , International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC’08), Beijing, China, May 19-23, 2008.
- Rongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu, Pin-Han Ho and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, A New Dynamic Group Key Management Scheme with Low Rekeying Cost , IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC’08), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, March 31 – April 3, 2008.
- Rongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu, Chenxi Zhang, Pin-Han Ho and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, A Novel Fair Incentive Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks , IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC’08), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, March 31 – April 3, 2008.
Referred Journal Papers:
- Rongxing Lu, Zhenfu Cao, and Haojin Zhu, An Enhanced Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Mobile Communication , Computer Standards & Interfaces, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 647-652, 2007.
- Zhenfu Cao, Haojin Zhu and Rongxing Lu, Provably Secure Robust Threshold Partial Blind Signature, Science in China Series F, 49(5), 604 – 615, 2006.
- Rongxing Lu, Zhenfu Cao, and Haojin Zhu, A Robust (k, n) + 1 Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme based on Factoring, Applied Mathematics and Computation , vol. 166, no. 1, pp. 35-45, 2005.
Referred Conference Papers:
- Xiaodong Lin, Rongxing Lu, Haojin Zhu, Pin-Han Ho and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, ASRPAKE: An Anonymous Secure Routing Protocol with Authenticated Key Exchange for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks , International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC’07), Glasgow, UK, June 24-28, 2007. (Best Paper Award for Computer and Communications Security Symposium).
- Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu, Pin-Han Ho and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Two-factor Localized Authentication Scheme for WLAN Roaming, International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC’07), Glasgow, UK, June 24-28, 2007.
- Xiaodong Lin, Haojin Zhu, Pin-Han Ho and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, A Novel Voting Mechanism for Compromised Node Revocation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE Globecom’06), San Francisco, USA, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2006.
- Haojin Zhu, Xiaodong Lin, Pin-Han Ho, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, Minhui Shi, TTP based privacy preserving inter-WISP roaming architecture for wireless metropolitan area networks, in Proc. of Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, IEEE WCNC’07, 2007.