
Please upload your PERSONAL assignment to the FTP server.

The assignment should include the source code and a report about the experimental results and your findings.

Username ln-fjpt
Password public
Filename 张三

Description Due · 23:59 June 30

Instruction   Slides


Q: Could I use build-in packages as they are not external libraries? For example, I am able to use a particular build-in package called "javax.crypto.Cipher", which I can simply specify the given key size and public exponent (65537) according to the project.
A: The crypto related libraries are not allowed to achieve the project target, since the intention of this project is to help you get a better grasp on the RSA implementation detail. However, you can use some libraries (built-in or third-party) for crypto-unrelated purposes. For example, you can use "java.util.Random" to generate random number in RSA implementation.
Q: What are the requirements of the project report?
A: The report should include implement method details, experimental results, and your findings. You can write the report in English or Chinese. The report should be saved in .pdf or .docx format.
Q: How to choose the variables (k0, k1, G and H) in OAEP implementation?
A: k0 and k1 are fixed values predefined by yourself. Here is a reference where recommended values are given. For the hash function G and H, we recommend Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA). You can implement G and H with the help of third libraries. We encourage you to do your survey and choose the appropriate ones (don't forget to show it in the report!).

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