Recent News
Haojin Zhu is invited to serve on the Program Committee
for IEEE INFOCOM 2018 .
Haojin Zhu is invited to serve on the Program Committee for European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
(ESORICS) 2017 .
Lu Zhou, Qingrong Chen, Zutian Luo, Haojin Zhu and Cailian Chen, Speed-based Location Tracking in
Usage-based Automotive Insurance, IEEE ICDCS'17 (short paper), 2017.
Wenyan Yao, Na Ruan, Feifan Yu, Weijia Jia, Haojin Zhu, Privacy-preserving fraud detection via
cooperative mobile carriers with improved accuracy, SECON (IEEE Communications Society Conference on
Sensing and Communication in Wireless Networks), June 12-14, 2017. (accepting rate: 45/170=26.5%)
Congratulations to Huaxin Li, Haizhong Zhen,
Xiaokuan Zhang, Jiayi Chen and Shuying Lai, who have sucessfully passed their bachelor thesis defense in
June 24, 2015. They will start their graduate study in SJTU (Huaxin and Haizhong, M.Sc.), Ohio-state
Univ. (Xiaokuan, PhD), University of Victoria (Jiayi, PhD), and UC Irvine (Shuying, M.Sc.).
Yi Li, Lu Zhou, Haojin Zhu and Limin Sun,
Privacy-preserving Location Proof for Securing Large-scale Database-driven Cognitive Radio Networks,
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Accepted with Minor Revision, 2015.
Prof. Zhu is invited to serve as the Program
Committee for ACM AsiaCCS 2016 .
Prof. Zhu is invited to serve as the Program
Committee for IEEE INFOCOM 2016 .
The master thesis of Zhaoyu Gao (under my
supervision from Sep. 2011 - March. 2013) receives Shanghai Excellent Master
Thesis (上海市优秀硕士研究生论文)
in 2014.
Prof. Zhu is invited to serve as the Program
Committee for ACM CCS 2015 .
Prof. Zhu will serve as TPC co-chair for WASA 2015 and IEEE/CIC
ICCC 2015, Symposium of Privacy and Security
- Prof. Zhu was awarded as Distinguished Member of the IEEE INFOCOM 2015 Technical Program Committee (Top
25% TPCs), Dec. 2014.
- Our paper "Sybil-aware Least Cost Rumor Blocking in Social Networks" is nominated as IEEE Globecom Best
Paper Candidate (Best 50 Papers), Dec. 2014.
- Prof. Yanchao Zhang (Homepage) from Arizona State University
will visit NSEC Lab at August 15th and give a talk on "Secure and Privacy-Preserving Crowdsourcing-Based
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing". (Poster)
We are organizing an IEEE Wireless Communications special issue on Quality-of-Experience (QoE) and
Quality-of-Protection (QoP) Provisions in Emerging Mobile Networks. The submission deadline is December
1, 2014.
- Prof. Yao Liu (Homepage) from University of South Florida
will visit NSEC Lab at June 3rd and give a talk on "Building the Security Foundation for Emerging
Wireless Technologies". (Poster)
- Prof. Ming Li (Homepage) from Utah State University
will visit NSEC Lab at May 26th and give a talk on "New Physical Layer Authentication Techniques and
Their Applications". (Poster)